Online tutors — study with your peers 👩🎓
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is designed for all
Get help with homework, prepare for tests together, improve your school grades to enter your top choice university
College students get support to improve their GPA, do well on all exams, and connect with people with shared academic interests
Sign up now, complete your profile and connect with a tutor for free!
that make Tutorpeers unique
Studies show that peer tutoring has a number of benefits for both Learners and Tutors
Establishes an environment where students can learn how to work as a team
Enhances students’ engagement, communication, and independence skills
Promotes critical thinking, inquiry and problem solving
Increases academic achievement, motivation, and focus
Builds self reliance and confidence
Builds confidence and fosters leadership qualities
Promotes empathy and satisfaction by helping fellow students
Financial incentive and valuable career skills
Safe and secure learning environment, all students are peers from 13 to 25 y.o.
Immediate help at an affordable price, from free to $25 / 30 minutes
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Tutorpeers began as a student project at the Dwight School in New York City. Students knew the value of studying with other students and realized they often learned better and faster by tutoring someone close to their own age.
Professional tutors are expensive, difficult to schedule and can be hard to understand.
Student tutors set their own prices and are much more affordable.
Student tutors have similar schedules and have tips and tricks to master challenging subjects that they often just learned themselves.
Tutors also benefit as they improve their own skills and knowledge while helping others. They have the ability to either make money or acquire community service credit.
Building Tutorpeers as a dedicated platform for students, by students brought all of these advantages online.
Our safe and secure site is exclusively designed to connect students with other students to learn together.
The mission of Tutorpeers is to make high quality student tutoring accessible to students worldwide regardless of their location or financial circumstances.
We believe students can help other students fill in the gaps of what is hard to understand in the classroom. We want all students to reach their highest potential and educational goals.
Don't take our word for it. Find out why students, teachers and parents think Tutorpeers is the best online tutoring solution.
Is Tutorpeers safe?
Tutorpeers is a safe, secure, and positive learning environment for students to connect with other students. We adhere to the best practices and guidelines of Common Sense Media, the leading source for education and advocacy to families to promote safe technology and media for children and teens. We also take additional steps in user verification and screening. Read more about our privacy and user policies .
Can I have an on-demand lesson with a Tutor?
Yes, you can connect with available online tutors right away to get your homework or test prep questions answered now. You also have the option to book a future tutoring session with the same tutor or any other tutor.
Can I do a quick meet-and-greet with the tutor?
Absolutely, you can take advantage of our Intro Session feature for that! It's a free 15-minute session with any tutor who offers it. It's a great way to get to know the tutor before diving in
Sign up now, complete your profile and connect with a tutor for free!